Monday, July 7, 2014

GOLU 2013

Its been long since I updated my blog. Forgot to put together my golu pics for 2013. I had arranged the golu steps in a snake and ladder theme and built a park with nursery rhyme theme. My daughter's favorite rhymes and stories can be seen in the park :) Sahana was just a year and a half old and she enjoyed looking at the park and reciting her favorite rhymes every morning.  I didn't have to baby proof the golu. My kutti was such a darling not to disrupt the arrangements.

Rain rain go away

Old mac donald had a farm

The hare and the tortoise

Mary had a little lamb

Thirsty crow

Kaka, Pati, Vada and Nari story

Jack and Jill went up the hill...

The monkey and the crocodile

Madu mekum kanna... ne poga vendam sonnain

London bridge is falling down ... Row row row a boat

Humpty dumpty sat on a wall ...

Twinkle twinkle little star and nilla nilla oodi va